Business Partner and Contact Person

Business Partner and Contact Person

VSS-DSW supports bidirectional integration of business partner and contact person. This means that business partner and contact person created or maintained in DSW, will also be created, and updated in VSS, and vice versa.


Before sending business partner and contact person, you must ensure the following:

  1. Technical connection has been established between VSS and DSW.

  2. Common parameter and validation have been properly set up, in both application for example user settings, DSW setup keys and organizational structure.

  3. Lookup values relevant to BP have been mapped between VSS and DSW for example

AcademicTitle, Profession, VatGroup, Gender, MaritalStatus, PriceList, PaymentTerms, Salutation and IndustrialSector (refers to Customer Group).

4. Sales area setup including common distribution channels & common Divisions are maintained in VSS and DSW.

  1. Reference business partner has been assigned in VSS in the following path: SAP Easy Access screen,
    choose Logistics > Logistics Execution > Vehicle Sales and Service > Master Data > Customer > Assign Reference Business Partner

  2. You have maintained the entries in customizing for Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Customer BP Integration, if you want to restrict the BP integration from VSS to DSW. 

  3. You can set a default BP grouping for inbound BP creation from DSW in VSS, in Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Default BP Grouping for Customer Creation from DSW


In DSW, there 2 types of customers as follows:


Type of Customers


How it is created in DSW


Type of Customers


How it is created in DSW



Private customer i.e.: individual

To create a private customer, you must first create a contact person in DSW. A business partner will then be automatically created. Any business objects (for example lead or vehicle) that will be created later against the private customer will be linked to the business partner.

Create contact person > Business Partner > Assign vehicle to business partner.

It is possible that the private customer is created as a lead initially. In this case, the BP Type is “Lead”. Once the lead is converted to an offer and the customer agrees to buy the vehicle, the BP Type is updated to “Customer”. This information is crucial as it defines what VSS BP role to be assigned to the customer.



Company customer i.e.: corporation

To create a company customer, you must first create a business partner in DSW. Then you create a contact person and link it with the business partner. In case of company customer, linking multiple contact person is possible. Any business objects (for example lead or vehicle) that will be created later against the company customer will be linked to the business partner.

Possible business case

Create or update business partner in DSW and send to VSS

You can create or update either a private BP or a company BP in DSW. Upon saving, an API will be called to transmit the newly created or updated BP to VSS.


  1. Login to DSW and enter credential.

  2. From the left menu, select either “Contact Person” or “Business Partner”.

  3. You should see a list of existing BPs. To create new CP or BP, click on the '+' button.

  4. Maintain the CP or BP information and click ‘save’ button. Upon saving, an API will be called to transmit
    the newly created or updated BP to VSS.

  5. To view the BP information, click on the BP name.

  6. To edit the BP information, click on the ‘arrow’ and select “Edit”.

  7. Access transaction code BP in VSS to view the newly created or updated BP.

  8. In case of troubleshooting or monitoring, refer to section “Monitoring and Tracing ” below.


Create or update business partner in VSS and send to DSW

In VSS, creating a private BP or a Company BP is via the same transaction code. You can create or update either a private BP or a company BP in VSS. Upon saving, an API will be called to transmit the newly created or updated BP to DSW.


  1. Login to VSS and enter credential.

  2. Access transaction code BP to create or update business partners.

  3. Maintain the business partner information and click “Save” button.

  4. Access transaction code /DBE/ODL_BP_DISTRIBU to distribute the newly created or updated BP to DSW. This distribution can be setup to be executed immediately or as scheduled job on a pre-defined interval.

  5. Login to DSW to view the newly created or updated BP.

  6. In case of troubleshooting or monitoring, refer to section “Monitoring and Tracing” below.

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