Service Order Creation from a Sales Lead
In the sales delivery process, sales advisor can request the creation of a job card from DSW to initiate the PDI process, or the creation of the service order for any additional accessories/equipment. This functionality will simplify the vehicle delivery process, enhance the communication between the sales, service, and delivery team.
Before sending the service order creation request from DSW to VSS, you must ensure the following:
Technical connection has been established between VSS and DSW.
List of service packages can be manually uploaded to DSW and linked to Customer Concerns (Customer Requirements).
Lookup values relevant to service order processing have been mapped between VSS and DSW for example
SalesServiceOrderStatus, SalesServiceJobStatus & SalesServiceType.
Mapping of service organization structure has been configured in VSS in the following path:
Customizing for Logistics Execution, choose Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Service Organizational Mapping
The following steps describe the job card creation process in VSS-DSW:
In DSW, sales advisor creates the sales order from a lead/opportunity and the vehicle is assigned to the sales order.
Sales advisor adds the customer requirements, excepted completion date and saves the request (All the additional items which were selected in the sales order, will be added by default to the customer requirements list and the sales advisor can remove or select any of them, as well as adding new customer requirements).
The service order will be created in the VSS backend with the requested jobs.
If the customer requirement is linked to a package ID in DSW, the job will be created in VSS service order along with the service package.
Reference job card status is updated in DSW.