Appointment Scheduling parameters
Drop-off and pick-up parameters are dynamically handled and displayed in the proper appointment planning screens basing on the configuration.
Default pick-up and drop-off types.
Please note that default pick-up and drop-off types do not require customizing table and are always present.
The descriptions of the default pick-up and drop-off types can be maintained int the VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Customer Portal->General Settings->Define Screen Control->Define Fixed UI Elements descriptions
IMG node.
Defining Parameters
Parameters are defined in the VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Appointment Scheduling->Additional parameters->Define additional parameters
IMG node.
The parameters belong to one of the following categories:
additional pick-up type
additional drop-off type
planning relevant parameters
other demands.
The table below specifies criteria used to assign a parameter to one of the above categories.
The field “Sequence” is used to determine the order of parameters in drop-off/pick up selection.
Technical name | Description | Pick-up type | Drop-off type | Planning relevant demand | Other demand |
APARAM_ID | Parameter ID | Other than Drop Box | Other than Drop Box | Other than Drop Box | Other than Drop Box |
DEMAND_TYPE | Demand Type | True or Parameter ID = WAIT | True or Parameter ID = WAIT | True or Parameter ID = WAIT | False and Parameter ID <> WAIT |
SELCTB | Active for selection | True | True | True | True |
TIMSLT | Supports time-slot selection |
PICKUP | Relevant for pick-up | True |
OASSEQ | Parameter sequence | >0 | >0 |
Special case for Drop Box for Car Keys.
It’s possible to indicate that a parameter signifies that customer will pick-up the vehicle keys form a drop box. In such a case, the customer will need to enter their code to be used when opening the box.
Parameters determination.
The parameters are determined using the lean condition technique.
The condition tables and access sequence can be set up in the VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Appointment Scheduling->Additional parameters->Define additional parameters->Additional parameter determination
IMG node.
The assignment of parameters is set in the VSS menu->Master Data->Service Resource Scheduling->Appointment Scheduling->Additional parameter determination