Equipment location change
This business scenario is used to handle location update for equipment during different process steps of rental delivery processes.
Location update includes address details changes of equipment partner function which represents location of the equipment in Rental Contract Management App. This information is needed to provide accurate information to rental clerk about physical location of equipment in order to be able to plan follow up steps efficiently.
The following master data is required for rental process in Rental Delivery Management app.
Material master record is created with serial profile for serialized products.
Equipment master is created with rental flag and at least product line (rental tab).
Customer master data is maintained.
Equipment is available in rental plant stock.
Rental materials are activated for rental process using transaction /PACG/RSM_USER
Rental process is configured (transaction /PACG/RSM_CONF) according to the configuration guide.
Depending on the settings you make in Customizing, the process flow may be as follow:
Searching for sales order by using various fields from equipment master data and sales order fields
Creating outbound and inbound deliveries (both complete and partial)
Goods issue posting for outbound delivery and goods receipt posting for inbound delivery (These are steps where partner function update takes place, meaning customer address is copied to the defined partner function of equipment during goods issue. Additionally, during goods receipt the defined partner function of equipment gets updated with the plant address data.