MSA- Maintain Document Viewer Screen

MSA- Maintain Document Viewer Screen

Maintain Document Viewer Screen

With this application function it is possible to assign a document (PDF) to be displayed on MSA screen. 

Following activities must be performed:

  • Definition of DOC_VIEWER screen and assignment to a Business Scenario
  • PDF document needs to be uploaded into the MSA Resource Folder
  • Document assignment to the screen needs to be performed using transaction below

  • T-Code: /DBME/MMA_ADOCV – Assign Document to Screen


List of the Available Screens. The Document Viewer will work for DOC_VIEWER Screen Type.

Resource Name

PDF Filename which is to be displayed in MSA

Cust. ext.

Checkbox to be ticked if a Document Viewer BAdI (/DBME/MMA_DOC_VIEWER) is implemented.