MSA- Overview Screen

MSA- Overview Screen

Overview Screen

Functional details

The Overview Screen includes relevant Order data along with Customer information. There is a set of default fields, such us Order Number or Order Reason. This screen can be influenced with customizing and enhanced with BAdI. For more details please check the related configuration chapter.

Overview Screen

From this screen is possible to maintain Customer information, the popover screen is similar to the one presented in the Search Screen. The major difference is that the user can modify customer data only on Order level. If the data is to be modified also on master data (Business Partner), the slider "Update Master Data" must be activated. Last, the screen can be enhanced with Customer Defined Fields, both to display and maintain fields or to code specific logic for backend maintenance. Another possible enhancement can be performed using the available BAdI /DBME/MD8_BADI_CUSTOMER

Edit Customer within the Service Order

When sold to party change is activated, user can slide left or ride on the customer details area to trigger partner change function.

Sold to party change

Search pop-over is shown for correct customer search and selection

Once selection is confirmed, MSA will attempt to do the following:

  • Trigger /DBME/MI0_S_WS01_ORD_SP_UPD web service
  • Transfer current state of the order (all information collected so far will be saved in the backend system)
  • Change sold to party using an event defined in parameter ORD_SP_CHANGE_EVT
  • Reload updated order back into application
  • Refresh pricing information

Jobs Creation

There are different sources for jobs creation. In general following approaches are supported:

  • Manual Job: where short and long text can be provided. A picture can be linked if necessary. Manual job creation can be disabled by setting parameter DISABLE_MANUAL_JOB to true
  • Package: The service and spare part packages which are defined in SAP VSS can be selected and assigned to a job within the MSA. Priced packages will show the prices from SAP backend. The standard logic can be enhanced thru BAdI /DBME/MD8_BADI_PACKAGE.
  • Estimated Job Catalog: A job with a defined estimated time in the back end can be selected and transferred to the workshop order. Logic can be enhanced with BAdI /DBME/MD8_BADI_EST_JOB_CAT.
  • Concern Catalog – a newly introduced hierarchical concern catalog which helps service advisor categorize vehicle defects and in result create appropriate job within the service order.

Jobs Management

When an order is opened with jobs where parts and labor assigned, MSA will list them in the overview screen. Here the prices (customer split) are presented along with the total price.  The user may use the info button to display parts and labor of a job, this is a separate call to the backend meaning that is not transferred when the order is opened but it happens on user´s request. A BAdI to enhance the popover screen is available.

Jobs Info

MSA includes a function to defer and reject a job. This is going to be available tapping on a job and sliding left. This function follows VSS backend logic.

Defer/Reject a Job

Job Price Simulation

Price simulation is triggered automatically when a job is added to the service order in MSA. Once it is added to the overview screen, a simulation request is triggered to the backend system with webservice /DBME/MI0_S_WS01_ORD_PRICE_SIM.

Price simulation is not triggered for jobs already created in SAP VSS.  In this case, job received from SAP VSS should already be supplied with price.

MSA will attempt to simulate pricing for:

  • jobs out of packages
  • sales action job
  • estimated job
  • postponed job
  • quotation job
  • decision tree job
  • checklist item
  • bodywork item

When a fault has been received, a red exclamation icon will be displayed next to the price element. Price successfully retrieved from the backend system will be displayed on the job level.

User can trigger price simulation for a complete list of jobs from the MSA order by pressing refresh button (marked on the figure below). For example, when working outside of the WiFi range, user can request a price update once returned within range. Price refresh button is also available on the handover screen.

Price retrieval logic can be influenced by own BAdI implementation: /DBME/MD8_BADI_PRICE_SIM

To avoid potential vehicle locking issue following logic has been incorporated:

  1. Check if vehicle is locked
  2. If yes, wait 1 second and go to point 1
  3. Repeat point 1 -2 up to 10 times, if vehicle is still locked then raise an error (it may happen that the vehicle is locked by other user/transaction)

Logic is executed before the order instance is created in the price simulation WebService.

Job price simulation

QR Scanner

MSA is able to scan a QR Code that can be assigned and triggered for customer defined field. Barcode data can be further processed within backed process i.e. special discounting based on promotion vouchers

QR Code Scanner

Technical information

The overview screen involves several objects. In case you need to check where the data is coming from in debug a good starting point can be checking the class /DBME/MD8_CL_E_ORDER.