Rental Contract Management - Order processing

Rental Contract Management - Order processing


Based on the different standard fields and newly introduced fields (part of Proaxia rental solution) search of an equipment is conducted. After the result is displayed, with the help of additional filtering fields result can be further narrowed down.

With the help of equipment statutes, you can easily identify in which business process equipment is currently standing, meaning that if equipment is available, or rented already, or in offer stage, or some repair is taking place on it. Besides that, related documents of each process step are directly visible, you can view service contract, rental contract, rental order, offer, etc. directly from the Rental Contract Management App. Even though equipment is the main object in rental process, for mass articles only material master data is used. Searching for mass articles via various characteristics is also part of RCM (Rental Contract Management) functionality.

Depending on the settings you make in Customizing, the process flow may be as follow:


  • Search for an equipment

  • Apply filtering via characteristics

  • Select an equipment and add it to the basket

  • Create rental contract (or other rental documents)

  • Manage contract details (update prices, changing header or items fields)