Rental Fleet Management

Rental Fleet Management

Main part of the rental business consists of different movements on equipment such as moving between plants, storage locations, moving from sales plant to rental plant, or posting value on asset, retirement of asset, sub asset creation, etc.

Instead of executing different steps from different transactions with many inputs it was decided to build Rental Fleet Management app where in a single entry point all actions can be executed.


  • Material master record must be created with the defined Product hierarchy 00001 in Basic data 1 view.

  • Equipment Master data must be created with Material number and Serial number fields in SerData tab and Rental Flag ticked in Rental tab.

  • Available material in standard plant stock

  • Definition of material under transaction code /PACG/RSM_USER > Materials used in SLR

  • Customizing under transaction code /PACG/RST_CONFIG you have defined based on the Configuration Guide documentation.


Generally, the Actions can be divided into three general parts: Asset Acquisition, Asset movement and Asset retirement.

Main steps of the process

  1. Asset Acquisition

a. Creation of Asset (Action - CRAS). This action creates Asset master data with a proper asset class defined in customizing.

b. Creation of Sub-asset (Action - CRAS). This action helps to create subordinated asset.

c. Asset posting for Depreciation areas (Action - ASG3). This action runs asset acquisition and makes posting to those Depreciation areas which are configured in customizing.

  1. Asset movement

a. Asset transfer to rental plant (Action – T2RP). After this step Equipment will be available for rental contract.

This process can be executed in two steps: Equipment issue out of Standard Plant (Action – GISP) and Equipment receipt into Rental Plant (Action – GRRP)

b. Plant to plant transfers (Action – P2PL)

c. Stock to Stock transfers (Action – L2SL)

d. Transfer to standard plant (Action – T2SP)

e. Set rental equipment as a Replacement equipment (Action – RCAR) and return from replacement (Action – RCRT).

 3. Asset Retirement

a. Goods issue out of rental plant (Action – GIRP). This step is applicable if equipment is still in rental plant.

b. Asset retirement (Actions – ASC0, ASHB). These actions are provided to make asset retirement postings with residual value from different depreciation areas.

c. Set asset deactivation date (Action – ASDD). Setting deactivation date blocks all actions with an asset after selected date.



There are Interlinking and Elementary actions. The Interlinking actions contain a logical sequence of the elementary actions. For example, the interlinking action ASHB consists of two elementary actions: ASH0 (Asset Retirement posting to Depreciation Area 01) and ASK0 (Asset Retirement posting to Depreciation Area 30).