Rental Fleet Management – Actions

Rental Fleet Management – Actions


Main part of the rental business consists of different movements on equipment such as moving between plants, storage locations, or posting value on asset, retirement of asset, sub asset creation, etc.

Generally, the Actions can be divided into three general parts as it is demonstrated in the following picture: Asset Acquisition (Creation of asset or sub asset), Asset movement (asset plant to plat transfers, transfer between storage locations, etc.) and Asset retirement (asset retirements from depreciation areas with asset deactivation action at the end of the process).

There are Interlinking and Elementary actions. The Interlinking actions contain a logical sequence of the elementary actions. For example, the interlinking action ASHB consists of two elementary actions: ASH0 (Asset Retirement posting to Depreciation Area 01) and ASK0 (Asset Retirement posting to Depreciation Area 30).