Service Appointments
Appointment Scheduling.
Vehicle and Region Selection.
On this screen it’s required to select region and a vehicle. A new vehicle can also be defined.
Vehicle Data Confirmation.
On this screen the user can update vehicle data, especially the mileage.
Service Selection.
On this screen the user can select services for the provided sections. See service selection article for details.
Location Selection.
On this screen, user can select service location form list or from map. See map view and distance calculation article for details
On this screen, user can define preferred drop-off parameters. The options available depend on customizing. See appointment scheduling parameters for details.
On this screen, user can define preferred pick-up parameters. The options available depend on customizing. See appointment scheduling parameters for details.
Time Selection.
On this screen the user can select preferred appointment time and location .
This screen appears if selected locations support automatic planning mode. See appointment scheduling article for details.
Contact Data.
On this screen, user can review and update contact information.
Appointment Summary.
On this screen, the user can review the appointment and upload multiple attachments, including images, PDFs, and videos. Thumbnails will be generated to help manage these uploads more efficiently, and the user can confirm the appointment at the end.
My Appointments.
The screen presents user’s appointments, split into the following baskets:
The default view starts with the list of upcoming appointments. After selection of an appointment card, user is directed into the appointment details screen.
Location’s address and phone fields are interactive and open maps application or initiate a phone call respectively.
Appointment details.
The screen presents details of a single appointment.
If the appointment status allows for cancellation, the cancellation button is provided in the top right corner.
Whether the appointment status allows for cancellation can be set in the VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Appointment Scheduling->Define appointment status
IMG node.