Car Rental
Location and Date Selection.
On this screen it’s required to select rental location, dates and driver's age. The location can be selected form list or from map. See map view and distance calculation article for details.
It’s possible to specify a different drop-off location. In such a case a surcharge addon may be automatically determined.
The pick-up and drop-of dates and times are restricted according to the work schedule specified for the location. This is why the fields can only be modified once a location is selected.
In case the user has already entered birth date, the age group will be automatically determined basing on the location country settings.
Vehicle Selection.
On this screen the user can search for and select a vehicle.
There is an option to filter by vehicle characteristics.
Addons Selection.
On this screen the user can select additional items and services. For example choose one of possible insurance packages or request a child seat.
Addons can be mandatory, like insurance, or optional. Simple addons can be directly applied on the main screen. Others, which offer multiple choice will show an additional dialog.
Customer data.
On this screen, user enters or confirms their data.
Driving License.
The driving license screen appears only if there is no valid registered driving license for the user. The license number is validated against the regular expression defined for the country, if specified.
On this screen, user can verify the booking details, including addons, and selects the payment method.
Each payment method can result in a surcharge determined basing on the material assigned to the checkout type. If that’s the case, then the surcharge amount is displayed on the method button.
Booking confirmation and payment.
On this screen the user can see the booking document number and proceed to the online payment.
The payment is realized with the help of Digital Payment Framework.