Rental Products

Rental Products

Product listing

The rental products offered by the portal are defined according to the rules specified in Rental Contract Management - Master data .


The list of products offered for rental is made of equipment:

  • freely available during the rental period at rental location, in case of car rental,

  • defined in a plant assigned to the sales organization, in case of equipment quotation request.


From the Customer Portal user’s perspective, a rental product is a unique combination of:

  • equipment’s material number or pricing material number,

  • equipment’s characteristics that are visible to the user.

If multiple materials have the same pricing material defined in the material master sales view, they will all be displayed as a single product.


For a material to be visible in the Customer Portal, the column “Material Usage” needs to be set to either:

  • online car booking, or

  • online equipment booking.

Materials used in SLR
Pricing Materials used in SLR

Product Image

The product image is taken from the Image URL specified in tables:

  • Pricing Materials used in SLR, if pricing material is defined.

  • Materials used in SLR, if no pricing material is defined

Product Name

The product name is derived from the material master. It is determined based on the material attributes, using the first available option in the following sequence:

  • Pricing Material Sales Text,

  • Pricing Material Description,

  • Material Sales Text,

  • Material Description.

Please note that the second line of the material sales text will be displayed as subtitle.

Material Sales Text definition
Product description with subtitle

Product Characteristics

The product characteristic are displayed according to the customizing in VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Customer Portal->Rental-> Characteristics for display IMG node. For a characteristic to be displayed a customizing is required in the table.

Characteristics for display
Vehicle characteristics in the Customer Portal

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