Service Selection

Service Selection

While booking an appointment it’s required to select services to be performed. The services are grouped in service sections.

Sample service sections layout


Service Sections definition

The services sections can be defined in the VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Customer Portal->General Settings->Define Screen Control->Define Customer Portal Service Sections IMG node.


Sample service sections definition

Each section can have one of the following sources:

  • Estimation Catalog,

  • Scheduled Maintenance, which technically is also an estimation catalog, but indicates selected services are to be displayed in the list of completed maintenance in the vehicle view,

  • Contract.

In the case of Estimation Catalog and Scheduled Maintenance it’s required to specify determination group. The determination group is used to find a valid catalog for a given vehicle.

It is possible to mark a service section as “Mutually Exclusive”, which indicates that only one item from the list of available options can be selected.

By default, the service codes are sorted by the code id. It’s possible to have them sorted by description.

Estimation Catalog

Please refer to the Estimation Catalog help article for details.


During the service selection it’s possible to select a contract. The prerequisite is that:

  • a valid contract for the given vehicle exists,

  • the vehicle mileage falls within the defined mileage range in the contract details,

  • the contract item is related to a package.

Please refer to the Creating Service Contracts for Vehicles help article for how to create a contract.