Screen Control

Screen Control

Field Configuration

The fields used by the frontend application can be configured in the VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Customer Portal->General Settings->Field Configuration IMG node.

For example, it’s possible to hide a field or make it obligatory. The customizing can be made dependent on a condition criteria table.

Screen Fields definition

This customizing is delivered with the application and is not intended to be changed.

Fields are grouped in the following screen areas:

  • Customer data

  • Order data

  • Vehicle data

Customer data fields


Screen Field status determination

Define Lean Condition criteria tables and access sequence used in Screen Field status determination.


Default field status determination access sequence

Assign criteria for Field Status determination

In this customizing it’s possible to assign one of the following statuses to a screen field in a given access sequence:

  • hidden

  • read only

  • optional

  • mandatory



Fixed UI Elements descriptions

This customizing is delivered with the application and is not intended to be changed.