There are two categories of notifications related to the Customer Portal:
sent directly by the Customer Portal,
sent from the VSS Communications Framework in response to various events.
Notifications sent by the Customer Portal.
Determination of email template.
The assignment of email templates can be changed in the VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Notifications->Email template determination
IMG node.
If no setting is made, then the following templates are used.
Notification type | Default Email Template |
Account activation | /DBE/CP_ET_CONFIRM_ACCOUNT |
Email addres change | /DBE/CP_ET_EMAIL_CHANGE |
Password reset | /DBE/CP_ET_PASSWORD_RESET |
Account activation email.
Account activation email is sent after account creation to confirm that the correct email address was used. The table below lists variables used in the email template.
Variable name | Meaning |
{name} | Customer’s name |
{activation_url} | Account activation link |
Password reset email.
Password reset email is sent after user request on the sign-in screen. The table below lists variables used in the email template.
Variable name | Meaning |
{name} | Customer’s name |
{reset_url} | Password reset link |
Email address change confirmation.
Password reset email is sent after change to the email addres in the user profile. The table below lists variables used in the email template.
Variable name | Meaning |
{name} | Customer’s name |
{mail_change_url} | Mail change confirmation link |
Notifications sent by the Communication Framework.
Please consult Communication Framework documentation for details.
If a notification is to contain a link to an order or an appointment, then the enhancement implementation /DBE/CP_E_CF_NOTIFICATION can be used. The enhancement consists of two BADI implementations:
The BADI implementations determine value of the parameter portal_url
that is used in the email templates used in notifications .
BADI implementation | Active for Notification ID | Notification Name |
/DBE/VSS-SRS-CANC | Appointment Cancelled | |
/DBE/CP_IM_VSS_NOTIFICATION | /DBE/VSS-BILL-PAYREQ | Billing payment request created |
/DBE/VSS-JOB-REQ-CUST-APPROVAL | Request job approval from customer (single job) | |
/DBE/VSS-JOB-REQ-CUST-APPRO | Request job approval from customer (multiple jobs) | |
/DBE/VSS-DPR-REQ | Down payment request created | |
/DBE/VSS-QUO-RVW | Request quotation review from customer | |
Determination of portal URL for notfications sent from the Communication Framework.
The determination of portal URL can be set up in the VSS->Service-> Service Resource Scheduling->Notifications->Portal URL determination
IMG node.