Measuring points and measurements readings
(S4)PACG 200 SP09
To learn more about the functionality of measuring points and measurement documents in SAP PM, navigate to the official SAP documentation linked here. To learn more about the functionality of measuring points and measurement readings in SAP FSM, navigate to the official SAP documentation linked here.
Technicians can use the FSM mobile application to display measuring points and measurement documents originating from SAP ECC/S4, associated with an equipment, as well as record new readings. The readings are communicated to SAP ECC/S4 and stored as measurement documents.
Table of contents
- 1 Integration scope
- 2 Configuration steps
- 2.1 The setup program
- 2.2 Object assignment to the relevant company
- 2.3 Supporting objects
- 2.4 Allow transfer of measuring points and readings for specified equipment/functional location categories
- 2.5 Enter measuring point categories relevant for measuring point transfer
- 2.6 Transfer measuring point categories to FSM
- 2.7 Transfer measuring points to FSM
- 2.8 Optionally transfer existing measurement documents to FSM
- 3 Example flow
- 4 Attachments
- 5 Deactivation and Soft/hard deletion
- 6 Current limitations
- 6.1 DMS Attachments
Integration scope
Measuring points created in SAP ECC/S4 can be transferred to FSM. They’ll be visible on equipment’s record, on the FSM mobile application
Existing measurement documents can be transferred to FSM and reflected as Measurement Readings on equipment’s record
Technicians can record Measurement Readings on the FSM mobile application. They’ll be communicated to SAP ECC/S4 and reflected as new measurement documents.
Configuration steps
The setup program
Execute the setup program /PACG/ECM_SETUP - FSM Connector's Setup. The program will set up technical mapping entries for measuring point, category and reading objects (e.g. in transaction /PACG/ECM_CLSASSIGIN - FSM Connector's Incoming Messages Configuration or /PACG/ECM_EOAS - Object Assignment).
Object assignment to the relevant company
Go to transaction /PACG/ECM_NOAS - No Object Assignment and make sure that objects MEASUREMENTREADING, MEASUREPOINTCATEGORY and MEASURINGPOINT are assigned to the target FSM company.
Supporting objects
To receive measurement readings from FSM, make sure that the updated list of objects supported by SAP ECC/S4 was sent to the cloud. In order to do it, follow the steps below:
Send the list of FSM objects supported by FSM Cloud Connector
Allow transfer of measuring points and readings for specified equipment/functional location categories
Specify for which equipment/functional location categories transfer of measuring points and readings is allowed. Use fields Inc.Mea.Pt and Incl.Mes.D in transactions /PACG/ECM_CINC01 – Included categories of Equipment / /PACG/ECM_CINC02 – Included categories of Functional Locations.
Enter measuring point categories relevant for measuring point transfer
Only measuring points assigned to one of the categories entered in /PACG/ECM_MEAS - Measuring Point Category can be transferred to FSM.
Transfer measuring point categories to FSM
Before transfer of measuring points and readings, make sure to transfer measuring point categories with the dedicated transaction /PACG/ECM_TRIG_MPCAT - Trigger transfer of Measuring Point Categories.
Transfer measuring points to FSM
Existing measuring points can be transferred to FSM either separately with the dedicated transaction /PACG/ECM_TRIG_MPNT - Trigger transfer of Measuring Points or together with equipment/functional location, using /PACG/ECM_EQUI - Equipment Master//PACG/ECM_TRIG_TELO - Functional Location:
New measuring points (created in IK01 after having implemented the steps above) will be transferred to FSM automatically, at save.
Optionally transfer existing measurement documents to FSM
Existing measurement documents can be transferred to FSM either separately with the dedicated transaction /PACG/ECM_TRIG_MREAD - Trigger transfer of Measurement Readings or together with equipment/functional location, using /PACG/ECM_EQUI - Equipment Master//PACG/ECM_TRIG_TELO - Functional Location:
Note that option Not older in transactions /PACG/ECM_CINC01 – Included categories of Equipment / /PACG/ECM_CINC02 – Included categories of Functional Locations can be used to reduce the number of FSM-relevant documents.
New measurement documents (created in IK11 after having implemented the steps above) will be transferred to FSM automatically, at save.
Example flow
Transfer measurement points and documents to FSM
Equipment 10001045 has a counter measuring point with category M assigned to it in SAP ECC/S4.
All the FSM-relevant measuring point categories were already transferred to FSM using /PACG/ECM_TRIG_MPCAT - Trigger transfer of Measuring Point Categories.
Since this measuring point was created before measuring point integration setup, it has to be transferred manually, e.g. with transaction /PACG/ECM_TRIG_MPNT - Trigger transfer of Measuring Points. Let’s include the existing measurement documents:
The measurement point and its documents can be found on the FSM mobile app, in equipment master data:
Compare the example measurement document below and how it’s reflected as a measurement reading in SAP FSM:
Post a measurement reading in SAP FSM
Create a new reading by pressing the “+” button. Enter the reading value. The app will automatically calculate the difference from the last reading. Optionally, enter a remark. Save and synchronize.
A message “The entered reading is above the defined value of…” is displayed if a measurement reading exceeds the range limit entered for the related measuring point in SAP ECC/S4 (IK03->Go to->Additional data->Upper/Lower range limit).
The reading will be synchronized with SAP ECC/S4 and saved as a measurement document.
The measurement document reflects the values entered in SAP FSM:
Measurement Reading remarks added in FSM are stored in SAP ECC/S4 as Measurement Document text (if up to 40 characters) or long text.
GOS and BDS attachments added in SAP ECC/S4 to measurement readings can be transferred to FSM and be visible on the mobile app. Attachments added during measurement reading creation on the mobile app can be stored as GOS or BDS attachments in SAP ECC/S4 and be accessible in IK13 via GOS menu → Attachment list. DMS attachments are not supported for this object.
Deactivation and Soft/hard deletion
Deactivating/activating option is available for measuring points and readings. In transaction ik02/03, when measurement points get Inactive status (Functions => Active/Inactive => Deactivate), INACTIVE flag is sent to SAP FSM. Also, in ik12/13 when measurement readings get Reversal Indicator (Functions => Reversal Indicator => Send), INACTIVE flag is sent to SAP FSM. Soft and Hard delete is possible from sending transactions for both objects (/pacg/ecm_trig_mpoint and /pacg/ecm_trig_mpread) and Inactivate option as well. Under selection screen are parameters ‘Delete fag’ and ‘Soft delete flag' and ‘Inactive flag’.
Current limitations
The integration scope will be gradually expanded. Please find below the selected limitations of the current version of the solution:
DMS Attachments
Measurement Reading DMS attachments added in FSM are not saved in SAP ECC/S4. Also Measurement Document DMS attachments added in SAP ECC/S4 are currently not transferred to SAP FSM.
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