Planning preparation

Planning preparation

This subsection serves as a high-level overview of selected FSM Cloud Connector customizing steps for planning preparation activities:


For more detailed descriptions, navigate to links included in each step.

Reserved material integration

Learn more about reserved material configuration for each reserved material process type: Reserved Materials Introduction.

Certain customizing steps, like plant assignment, enabling of reserved material creation from components or whether reserved materials should be available for all activities of a given service call or just one - are scenario-independent. Special stock (virtual warehouses for materials already reserved), which goods movements should be communicated to FSM and how specific goods movements should affect the related reserved material in FSM - these depend on a reserved material scenario. Once you've decided which scenario is relevant for you, you should simply replicate the customizing prerequisites, based on documentation, e.g. Reservation on technician storage location, SD Reserved material, DC reserved material, MM reserved material

Configuration Step

Customizing transaction

Corresponding sending transaction

Make sure that the ‘RMAT’ object is assigned to the relevant plants for your company. Otherwise reserved materials can’t be transferred to FSM. 

/PACG/ECM_PLAS - Plant Assignment


Enable reserved material creation for components.

/PACG/ECM_SCTDM – Mvmts for mat. consumption in FSM, field ‘ResMat type’ set to ‘Component at once’ / NEW LABEL 'From order components'


Define a cloud special stock for reserved material which has no corresponding storage location in SAP.

/PACG/ECM_WRHSP - Special Stock

/PACG/ECM_WRHSND_S - Warehouse Definition

Configure which movements types performed on materials in SAP ECC/S4 should be sent to SAP FSM

/PACG/ECM_IWLON - Goods Movement - send online


Define what type of action (add/subtract) should be performed on reserved materials for a specific reserved material scenario

/PACG/ECM_RMGM – Reserved Material Action on GM


Specify if reserved materials should be created/sent to SAP FSM on service call or activity level

Learn more about reserved materials on activity level: Reserved materials on operation/activity level 

/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition, field ‘Res. Mat with reference to activity’



Automatic checklist generation

Configuration Step

Customizing transaction

Automatically generate prefilled or empty checklist instances. The instances can be filled with data retrieved from SAP ECC/S4 tables, based on configurable mapping. Build a set of rules based on which a checklist instance will be assigned to an activity.

/PACG/ECM_CL_PREF - Checklist prefilling configuration


Person reservations

Learn about differences between reservations and absences: Differences between Reservations and Absences

Configuration Step

Customizing transaction

Corresponding sending transaction

Maintain FSM-relevant attendance/absence types which will be used as person reservation types in SAP FSM.

/PACG/ECM_T554S - Att./Abs. types for Person reservations

/PACG/ECM_TRIG_PRERT - Person reservation type

Work time tasks maintained in this customizing will be used as absence types in SAP FSM



If the Anonymised description field is set, then this value will be seen as the person reservation type description in FSM. Otherwise, the SAP description of the leave type will be displayed.



Specify person reservation source (CATS/HR) for a given company. This determines how reservations created in FSM should be stored in SAP ECC/S4 and whether CATS/absence infotype entries created in SAP ECC/S4 should be transferred to SAP FSM as person reservations. 


/PACG/ECM_TRIG_PRERV - Person reservation


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